Promotional pens
The world still needs pens. While we all spend hours at key boards or poking the screens of digital devices, the need to make notes, sign documents and draw diagrams by hand is not going away anytime soon. So putting your brand, event or message on a pen remains an excellent way to stay front-of-mind with your audience.
Check out our wide range of pens here

Branded pens for business
At Bowring Print we can put your logo and tagline on the pen of your choice. We know that good-looking, functional pens hang around, sometimes for years, so your branded pen will keep doing an important advertising job for you – even if it moves on from the original owner. We recommend giving your pens away at every opportunity; you can even team your pens with a branded note pad. Also, make sure your employees use your logo pens, because they’ll help to get them into circulation.

Personalised pens for events and campaigns
As a publicity tool, pens are great. We can personalise the pen of your choice with your event name and logo, campaign message or call to action. We offer a broad range of pen designs, including some made from sustainable materials. If we don’t stock the style you’re after, we can source it for you.
Check out our wide range of pens here

Hotel pens that become souvenirs
Everyone loves collecting hotel pens, because they’re wonderful travel souvenirs. If you have an accommodation business, encouraging guests to keep your branded pens helps to keep good memories alive. Talk to us about a pen design that complements your establishment.